How do you use improvement in a short sentence?

Learn how to use the improvement in a sentence with 500 example sentences. Throughout Panda's reign, Zululand's condition showed little improvement.

How do you use improvement in a short sentence?

Learn how to use the improvement in a sentence with 500 example sentences. Throughout Panda's reign, Zululand's condition showed little improvement. It is the improvements in methods, instruments and materials, brought about by the application of science, that distinguish livestock farming in the tenth century from that of medieval and ancient times. The quarter of a century immediately following 1760 is memorable for the introduction of several important improvements.

The bridge with the greatest artistic merit is the Cambridge Bridge (190), which replaced the old West Boston bridge, and is one of the features of the long-planned improvements to beautify the Charles River basin. In 1902, the United States government made significant improvements to the port, with the goal of creating two wide 35-foot canals. The Commercial Garden Compensation Act of 1895 and the Agricultural Holdings Act of 1906 compensated vegetable growers for improvements that had not been exhausted, for improvements made before the law came into force on a farm that the owner knew as a commercial garden, provided that the owner had not expressed his disagreement in writing with respect to the improvements. The farm (Scotland) laws of 1883 and 1900, which have already been referred to incidentally, contain provisions, similar to those of English laws, regarding the tenant's right to compensation for unexhausted improvements, to expulsion for non-payment of rent, to notification to quit smoking at the end of a lease and to the tenant's ownership of accessories. The improvements introduced in 1890 and 1891, which put an end to this situation, consisted of the introduction of the principle of metered supply and the adoption of an integral system to reduce the initial pressure of the gas, in order to reduce losses due to leaks.

He is also credited with the abolition of gladiator shows in 404 (although it is said that there is evidence of their existence later), the reduction of taxes, the improvements in criminal legislation and the reorganization of the defenders civitatum, municipal officials whose duty it was to defend the rights of the people and state their complaints. The 1806 allocation for the construction of the highway had brought into national politics the question of the federal government's authority to make internal improvements. Although great improvements have been made to the country's education system since 1867, Hungary is still lagging behind in terms of general education, since in 1900 only a little more than 50% of the population knew reading and writing. In 1902, a department of agriculture was created and, thanks to its efforts, great improvements have been achieved in farming methods.

It was considered that the mere control of existing traffic, the improvement of local streets and the provision of new means of communication between random points did not get to the root of the problem, and in 1903 a Royal Commission was appointed to examine the entire question of locomotion and transport in London, and expert evidence was obtained from engineers, representatives of the various railway and other companies, the County Council, the municipal councils and the police, among others. The commission reported in 19051, with regard to street improvements, the most important recommendation was the construction of two main 140-foot avenues in 1903. It was reported that this authority should be composed of 40 members, of whom II should be appointed by the London County Council and 3 by the City Corporation (assuming that these bodies would accept certain financial responsibilities proposed to improve rivers), 5 by the Bank of England governors of the merchant community, 2 by the London Chamber of Commerce and I by the Admiralty, the Board of Commerce and Trinity House. In the latter part of the tenth century, there were numerous improvements, but no fundamental alterations in the construction of the common plow. The improvements that, according to him, had made him wait, and all he seems to have done in reality is to popularize them. In the 1870 session, Gladstone's main work was the Irish Land Act, whose objective was to protect the tenant against eviction while paying the rent and to assure him of the value of any improvement that his own industry had introduced.

Under the laws of the port of Belfast, the commissioners were empowered to borrow more than 2,500 000 euros to carry out several new works and improvements to the port. Improvements were introduced much more slowly than in England, and the cost of cotton machinery as early as 1826 was 50 to 60% higher in the United States. The importance of hemp as an export product (it went from 26,000 British pounds in 1898 to 832,000 pounds in 1907) has made it possible to improve its cleaning and classification. In Military Park there is a monument to Major General Philip Kearny (1815-186), and in Washington Park there is a monument to Seth Boyden (1785-1870), a Newark inventor of malleable iron, nail making machinery and improvements to the steam locomotive.

Other improvements planned in 1908 to the hillside immediately below the Place Royale included the removal of the old crooked and steep street called Montagne de la Cour to give rise to a Mont des Arts. Over the course of a few years, this mileage would increase considerably, as the Parliament voted some 6.5 billion crowns in favor of new construction and improvements. In 1862 he received the gold medal of the latter society and, in 1864, a royal medal from the Royal Society, for his observations of the total solar eclipse of 1860 and for his improvements in astronomical photography. Between 1850 and 1851, he was a member of the convention to revise the Virginia Constitution and advocated for white men's suffrage, internal improvements, and the abolition of incarceration for debt. In 1749, after being selected as a port of refuge for the Downs, it underwent major improvements and, from now on, paid 200 pounds a year to Sandwich from the rights to clear the Canal and repair the banks of the Stour River inside the Liberty; but in 1790 the port was unimportant. There was also a useful collection of texts by Professor Charteris of Edinburgh, Canonicity (1880), based on Kirchhofer, Quellensamm-lung (184), but with improvements.

Robert Flower formally proposed it for the first time as an independent method, with major improvements, in The Base, a new way of making logarithms, which was published in 1771; and Leonelli, in his Logarithmic Supplement (1802-180), already mentioned, referred to Flower and reproduced some of his tables. The corporation has shown some concern for housing the poor, and a comprehensive plan undertaken in 1904 included providing cabin housing in the suburbs, such as in Clontarf, as well as improvements to the city itself. The Aldine (Venice, 151) was unfortunately based on a very corrupt manuscript. The first substantial improvements in the text were due to Casaubon (Geneva, 1587; Paris, 1620), whose text continued to be the basis of subsequent editions until that of Coraes (Paris, 1815-181), who eliminated many corruptions. The committee presented its report in July 1840 and, after minor improvements by the manufacturers, the admiralty compass, whose card appears on figs.

To achieve these improvements, cooperation was necessary; the best companies, which in 1872 had gone from having a value of 100 pounds sterling to more than 4000 pounds sterling, began to consolidate and the Mining Board was created. In 1709 he was appointed professor of botany and medicine and, in that position, he provided a good service not only to his own university, but also to botanical science, through his improvements and additions to the Leiden Botanical Garden and through the publication of numerous works descriptive of new plant species. Many of the most important improvements in ship construction, especially steamboats, are due to the initiative and skill of Clyde's shipbuilders, who, since the time of Robert Napier of Shandon (1791-187), who built and powered the first steamboats for the Cunard Company, created in 1840, have enjoyed an unparalleled reputation for building leviathan transatlantic liners, both in terms of mechanical appliances and the beauty and convenience of internal arrangements. In addition to these, the 1850 City Improvements Act created advisory committees.

Farms that belong to the head of household and that are between 80 and 160 acres (depending on value) if they are in the field, or a lot of cents per acre (depending on value), if they are in a town, town or city, are exempt from paying debts, except for taxes to buy money, improvements or taxes. In 1909, extensive improvements were being made to the coastline and land was purchased west of Fort Mason for the construction of piers and warehouses for the United States Transportation Service. However, real progress was made in the period 1890-1910, mainly thanks to improvements in agricultural education. Bernhard Walther of Nuremberg (1430-150), who equipped an observatory with clocks driven by weights and developed many improvements in practical astronomy.

He fervently supported the policy of making federal allocations (of land, but not of money) for domestic internal improvements, being a prominent supporter of the construction, with government assistance, of a transcontinental railroad, and the main promoter (1850) of Central Illinois; in 1854 he suggested that Congress impose tonnage rights with which towns and cities could pay for port improvements themselves, etc. For him, as chairman of the territories committee, first in the House of Representatives and then in the Senate, of which he became a member in December 1847, he had to present the bills to admit Texas, Florida, Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota, California and Oregon to the Union, and to organize the territories of Minnesota, Oregon, New Mexico, Utah, Washington, Kansas and Nebraska. This instrument was already manufactured in 1590 by Zacharias Jansen of Middleburg; and although Galileo discovered, in 1610, a means to adapt his telescope to the examination of tiny objects, he did not become familiar with the compound microscope until 1624, when he saw one of Drebbel's instruments in Rome and, with his characteristic ingenuity, immediately introduced some material improvements in its construction. Starting in 1830, many improvements were made to the microscope objective; perhaps they are best deduced from a discussion of image defects. In 1909, the city adopted commission government by popular vote under a 1907 state law that provided for a mayor and four commissioners, heads of the executive, finance, streets and public improvements, parks, public buildings and health, and water and electricity departments, all elected for two years and nominated in primary elections or by petition signed by at least 25 voters. The Farm Act of 1908 (which repeals the farm laws of 1883, 1900, and 190) gives the farm tenant the right to compensation for (i.e., Oquendo Rd.

It includes some improvements compared to the EOS 40D, especially in the 15.1 megapixel digital sensor. The XT flash reaches approximately 13 at ISO 100 and has improvements such as greater clarity above the lens, the reduction of the appearance of red eyes and the ability to adjust the different elements of the flash independently from each other. The main idea of this phrase is The main character and the novelist share a life experience. It does not imply that they are the same person; in fact, since the word share requires two subjects, they cannot be.

In which sentence is the verb to improve correctly used? Generally speaking, since quality is a passive trait, you cannot invoke the help of other things or processes. We say that the quality has improved, but that doesn't make the quality active, it just indicates a change of state. But remember that improving can also be intransitive. This is the sense of self-improvement that Victor Bazarov alluded to.

We say, for example, that the weather is getting better and no one asks: improve what? Sir William Herschel and others have discovered that the definition of a telescope is often improved by stopping a part of the central area of the glass object; but the advantage obtained in this way is by no means great, and anything like a reduction of the aperture to a narrow ring is accompanied by a development of the external luminous rings sufficient to overcome any improvement due to the decrease in the diameter of the central area. Upon returning home, he dedicated himself to improving family properties and, in 1855, he was elected deputy commissioner of the Calvinist church of Nagyszalonta, in succession to his father. Flour mixed with pulped roots for a few hours improves digestibility, and a pinch of salt is an improvement. Improvement contracts are granted for districts with uncultivated scrub, where a quarter of the production goes to the owner, and for fig, olive and vineyard plantations, half of which belong to the owner, who, after ten years, reimburses the tenant for part of the improvements made. In recent years, there has been a great revival of interest in improving inland waterways through systematic plans, which promises something better than a previous period of internal improvements in the first half of the 19th century, whose results were more or less disastrous for the state and local governments that undertook them, and only less so for the national government. In addition, the improvement in the quality of the wool was reflected in the improvement of the finished article, much to the alarm of the English manufacturer.

These improvements must be made to an existing primary residence, so new construction, rentals and second homes are not eligible. The development of the compound microscope depends essentially on the improvement of the objective, but its construction did not improve markedly in the two centuries following the discovery. A series of special improvement laws were passed that authorized companies to execute or anticipate money to carry out land improvements. Of the improvements that can be made to your home to give it a retro style, retro garden furniture is among the easiest.

When improvements in the structure of an instrument remove from the memory of the modern composer a whole category of limitations that in classical music determined the very character of the instrument, it is easy to fall into the temptation to consider the improvement as a kind of access to wisdom, compared to which not only the oldest form of the instrument, but also the role it plays in classical music, is crude and archaic. Many consumers apply for a second mortgage loan to consolidate their debts, make home improvements, or pay for their children's college education. Home improvement agencies help vulnerable homeowners or private sector tenants who tend to be older, disabled, or have low incomes. Other federal improvements undertaken include a port in Muscatine, a refuge port below Davenport, and improvements to the Clinton Canal. In Audubon Park, in New Orleans, a state sugar experimental station is maintained, whose work includes the development of seedlings, the improvement of cane varieties, the study of fungal diseases in cane, the improvement of milling methods and the reconciliation of these methods (for example, the use of sulfur as a bleaching and clarifying agent) with the requirements of pure food laws.

A swarm of bees hipped in a straw jar, the small and picturesque home known around the world as the personification of industry, will decorate your home with wax diapers in shape and shape so admirably adapted to your needs that they will not need any improvement on the part of man.

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